If Awesome detects that NRaas SP is active and controlling progression, it is programmed to quietly switch off StoryMode.Īwesome is a Core Mod and only customizable up to a point using its optional configuration tool and console commands, NRaas mods (other than ErrorTrap) are Script Mods and much more flexible to the player. Also, only one type of story progression, NRaas SP's or Awesome's StoryMode, can be active at a time. There are a couple of NRaas mods that really shouldn't be installed alongside of Awesome (MC isn't one of them) or some that have special considerations to be taken because they duplicate functionality. Several versions are available.Awesome and NRaas mods can co-exist. More Money for CAS Families - Fixes the fact that the game gives new families so little money at the start.

NRaas Shooless - Sims won't autonomously shoo other Sims out of the bathroom while they're using it NRaas OnceRead - Sims won't obsessively reread books. NRaas AntiMagicScroll - Things like recipe books won't magically disappear after your Sim reads them Treeag's Store in Fridge - Gives you a one-click option for storing any fish and harvestables in your Sim's inventory Shimrod's Pee Here Always Available (Pets) - gives you the "pee here" option all the time instead of when a pet's pee bar is dangerously lowīuzzler Clean House for Everyone - Gives all Sims the "clean house" option instead of just ones with the "neat" personality trait

Shimrod's Memories Disabled - Turns off those stupid memories! Very useful since the build-up of memories can slow down your game.

The second prevents them from tapping their feet impatiently while waiting for a route to be cleared. No Route Fail Animation and No Foot-tapping Waiting for Clear Route- Sims won't complain when their route is blocked by another Sim or object. Two of Mama's Scolding Tweaks - There are several versions, each of which reduces the chances of parents autonomously scolding their children Shimrod's CAS zoom-in mod - Allows you to zoom in much closer to your Sim in CASĪ bunch of mods to turn off/adjust autonomous behaviors: No Autonomous Read to Sleep No Autonomous Play Tag No Autonomous Computer Games No Autonomous Play in Sprinkler No Autonomous React to Occult No Autonomous Processed Baby Food No Autonomous Wake Up Sim - pets won't wake up sleeping SimsĪutonomous Prefer Leftovers - Sims are more likely to eat leftovers in the fridge when they get hungry rather than cooking from scratch Jonha's CAS animations mod - Three different versions. No Uniforms to Work - Sims won't change into their ugly-ass work uniforms The latter allows Sims to have more time to socialize during meals. Himawara's Faster Cooking/Slower Eating Mod - Speeds up cooking, slows down eating. Take Showers/Relieve Bladder/Brush Faster I also use a ton of mods that fix minor annoyances in the game: I used to have Awesomemod and liked it, but decided to take it out since Twallan's mods offer most of the features I want and it's easier to modify things in-game. I think these are just necessary for a better game experience. Another vote for Twallan's Master Controller, Story Progression, and Overwatch.