- #Onedrive office 365 for business movie#
- #Onedrive office 365 for business update#
- #Onedrive office 365 for business license#
Have at least one account in the tenant get within 10% of the 5 TB limit (being at 90% of quota is explicitly mentioned in the OneDrive service description).
#Onedrive office 365 for business movie#
Possibly because of the bad experience of when OneDrive consumer supported unlimited storage (think of large movie libraries being uploaded), Microsoft forces tenants to go through support to have their storage boosted. $Report | Export-CSV -NoTypeInformation c:\temp\OneDriveConsumption.CSV Moving Past Towards Unlimitedįive terabytes are nice, but it’s not unlimited. PercentUsed = (::Round(($Site.StorageUsageCurrent/$Site.StorageQuota),4).ToString("P")) } QuotaGB = ::Round($Site.StorageQuota/1KB,0) # And write out the information about the site $UsedGB = ::Round($Site.StorageUsageCurrent/1024,2) $SiteOwners = $Null $Process = $True $NoCheckGroup = $False $TotalOneDriveStorageUsed = ::Round(($Sites.StorageUsageCurrent | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum /1024,2) $Sites = Get-SPOSite -IncludePersonalSite $true -Limit all -Filter "Url -like '/personal/'" | Sort StorageUsageCurrent -Desc Write-Host "Fetching OneDrive site information." To report on the current OneDrive storage use and quota, you could use a modified version of our Report SharePoint Site Storage script: # Get all OneDrive sites Set-SPOSite -Identity $Site.URL -StorageQuota 5242880 } Write-Host "Setting Quote for OneDrive account:" $Site.Title $ODSites = Get-SPOSite -IncludePersonalSite $true -Limit all -Filter "Url -like '/personal/'" | Select URL, Title, StorageQuota, StorageUsageCurrent With that in mind, we can assign the new 5 TB storage quota to accounts like this: # Assign storage quota to OneDrive sites
#Onedrive office 365 for business license#
If the account doesn’t have a license which supports the assigned quota, OneDrive will automatically downgrade the available quota to the maximum allowed by the license. The default storage quota is assigned to new accounts. Assigning New Quotas to Existing Accounts OneDrive will blithely ignore your request and the limit will stay at 5 TB. Set-SPOTenant -OneDriveStorageQuota 5242880ĭon’t bother trying to go past 5 TB.
#Onedrive office 365 for business update#
To set a 5 TB default storage limit in PowerShell, we run: # Update SharePoint default storage quota One thing to be careful about is that the OneDrive admin center uses gigabytes to set storage quotas while the Set-SPOTenant cmdlet uses megabytes. Instead, perhaps because it doesn’t want to offend, OneDrive simply ignores the attempt to set a new storage quota and reverts to the highest possible value for the default (5 TB). You can go higher, but rather bizarrely, the OneDrive admin center doesn’t confirm that a new value is set, nor does it signal an error if you insert a higher value (like 10240 GB). As Figure 1 shows, you can increase it to 5120 GB (5 TB). The minimum default storage quota is 1024 GB (1 TB). Update (March 2022): the latest OneDrive for Business service description moves the storage discussion to a document called Modern Work Plan Comparison which confirms unlimited OneDrive storage in the SharePoint Plan 2 service plan (part of Office 365 E3 and E5).įigure 2: Setting a tenant default for OneDrive for Business storage quota Promising unlimited OneDrive storage is interesting because it implies that Microsoft will allow a properly licensed user to consume as much OneDrive for Business storage as they want, with the caveats that OneDrive “ is designed to serve the needs of individual users” and “ storage of data other than an individual user’s work files, including system back-ups and departmental and organizational level data, is not supported, nor is the assignment of a per user license to a bot, department, or other non-human entity.” Other enterprise plans and SharePoint Online Plan 2: “ Beyond 1 TB, to unlimited”.SharePoint Online Plan 1 and OneDrive for Business Plan 1: 1 TB.Small to medium plans (like Microsoft 365 Business Premium): 1 TB.The OneDrive for Business service description () lays out how much OneDrive storage Microsoft makes available to users based on their license type. Assigning New Quotas to Existing Accounts.Setting a Default Storage Quota for OneDrive.